Comptia™认证培训:a +、网络+、安全+ 

在线CompTIA IT认证培训




According to CompTIA’s State of the Tech Workforce, the median tech occupation wage 比美国国民工资中位数高出103%.S.,与预期的增长 rate for tech jobs over the next decade nearly twice the national jobs rate. 成为 a certified CompTIA professional and take your career to the next level with our comprehensive training program that aligns with the 前年一个+, Network+, and 安全+ certification 考试.

Our A+ certification training offers a thorough overview of the basic concepts around multiple operating systems, enabling you to efficiently maintain, troubleshoot, and 适应不同的技术平台. 我们的网络+认证培训授课 the fundamental building blocks that form a modern network, such as hardware, topologies, and protocols, along with an introduction to the OSI model— this course prepares you 在IT行业取得成功.

The 安全+ certification portion covers the essential knowledge and 技能 required to identify, assess, and mitigate security risks in modern IT environments. 这门课 provides a comprehensive overview of cybersecurity's key concepts and best practices. Upon completion, you will receive an exam voucher for each certification exam, covering 有资格参加认证考试的费用.




  • Based on the 2023 Salary Survey conducted by Certification Magazine, the average salary 在美国,前年一个+认证持有者的年薪为108,170美元.S. 全球99,980美元. However, the actual pay may vary depending on factors such as years of experience 以及工作地点.
  • According to Lightcast data, $61,600 is the average salary across all jobs requiring 网络+资质. CompTIA指出,网络系统分析师的年薪为92,740美元 annually, followed by a network administrator at $86,340 annually, and a network support 专家:67,510美元. CompTIA Network+的年薪可高达144,000美元 低至28,500美元. 薪水是根据技能水平、工作地点和工作经验而定的.
  • Most of the jobs that IT professionals with a CompTIA 安全+ certification would 他们属于美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)分类网络和 计算机系统管理员. 美国劳工统计局报告称,这类工作的年薪为1% 平均年薪80,600美元.



A+、Network+和安全+认证是连续的. A+关注的是设备; Network+ is dedicated to the hardware, software and protocols for networking; and 安全+ adds the layer of core security functions across devices, networks, and 部署它们的组织.

CompTIA calls the A+, Network+ and 安全+ sequence a "stacked" credential that validates baseline 技能 in the three disciplines: devices, networks, and security. Each individual certification is considered an independent signal of competence in 它所涉及的领域.

According to CompTIA, the A+ certification is often associated with baseline or entry-level support positions such as service desk analyst, technical support 专家, field service technician, associate network engineer, data support technician, desktop support administrator, end-user computing technician, help desk technician, or system support 专家.

According to CompTIA, the Network+ certification is often associated with positions such as Network administrator, network field engineer, computer technician, help desk technician, system engineer, network support 专家, or network analyst.

According to CompTIA, the 安全+ certification is often associated with junior IT审核员或渗透测试员职位. 其他头衔可能包括系统管理员, 网络管理员或安全管理员.




  • Master fundamental concepts of multiple operating systems to maintain and support 他们有效地
  • Develop troubleshooting 技能 for software, hardware, connectivity, and network problems
  • Gain in-depth knowledge about assembling and disassembling computer parts
  • 了解如何比较网络类型、拓扑结构和体系结构
  • Acquire knowledge and 技能 in networking hardware, tools, and their installation 有效的网络设置
  • Understand TCP/IP functionality, protocols, and IP addressing concepts, including 子网划分和vlan
  • Explore cloud computing, virtualization, and remote access systems and methods
  • 发现网络性能监控工具和实践
  • Develop expertise in network safety, security threats, vulnerability assessments, 以及缓解策略
  • Attain a solid understanding of computer security concepts, network policies, and 文档
  • Learn incident preparation, response, and risk management for network security





选修这门课程没有先决条件. 然而,你应该有一个基本的 熟悉计算机硬件和操作系统. 例如,如何上电 and log on to a machine, use a mouse and keyboard, and basic Microsoft Windows navigation 技能. 

CompTIA recommends all A+ exam applicants have up to 12 months of hands-on experience 在参加认证考试之前在实验室或现场. 他们也声明拥有 the A+ Certification and a minimum of 9 to 12 months of hands-on experience working in a junior network administrator/network support technician job role to complete 网络+认证考试. CompTIA建议至少有9到12个月的联网时间 experience and two years of experience in IT administration with a security focus 参加安全+认证考试.


琳达·马修斯 has years of experience both in the classroom teaching technical material 并在现场解决了无数的技术问题. Linda possesses the background to engage deeply with cybersecurity through teaching 智力焦点. 在过去的八年里,她一直生活在这个巨大而又 迷人的知识体系. 现在,她定期在几个 来自CompTIA和微软的最受欢迎的安全课程. 前年的安全+ is the foundational course students need to begin an incredible journey into cybersecurity.

莎拉Perrott has been working in the information technology field for 20+ years and 在过去的10年里,你专注于网络安全吗. 她是一位出版 author and a former college professor, and she is passionate about teaching the next 一代网络安全专业人士. 萨拉拥有网络安全硕士学位 and Information Assurance from Western Governors University Washington and a Bachelor 菲尼克斯大学信息系统安全科学硕士.

宝拉伍德奥 began her technical career as a network and computer consultant 30 years 前. She first taught at a local university before taking the CompTIA and Microsoft 教授认证课程的考试. 宝拉很幸运能教这些课 为惠普和微软等公司提供全球服务. 宝拉喜欢教有关的课程 computers and networking and talking to students about how their companies put these 为他们工作的技术.


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