HUM, PHL, REL 在线课程

Orientation Sessions for these classes are recorded by the instructor and are available in the course's entry page or in the Tegrity Classes link.

你 may preview these orientations by clicking the links below. 你可能会被提示 to install Microsoft Silverlight to view these orientations.

HUM 101/102 Introduction to 人文学科
PHL 106 Introduction to Philosophy and PHL 206 Ethics in Society
PHL 210 Ethics in the Health Sciences
REL 101i Survey of Church History
REL 152i Survey of the New Testament 

澳门威尼斯人APP下载 Registration and Viewing your classes: 学生 who register for Web based classes will be able to access their courses by the first or second day of class. 你 may log in to the course after that. 学生 who receive financial aid MUST login at that time and complete at least one assignment to have their attendance “verified.”


For Courses taught by John Richter, Kristofer Roberts, Michael Sparks, and Dr. 安德鲁 球:

The login page contains info about determining your User Name and Password.  如果你 have difficulty with your user name/password contact the Help Desk.

按此浏览 帮助台 在黑板上.

你 can call 1-866-265-4848 for live assistance. Please be sure that you have checked your browser and that it is working properly before contacting support. 的连结 the browser check is on the right side of the login page.

如果你 cannot reach Blackboard Support contact the department chair at 凯西 Be sure to give your full name, student number, the course name and number, and 参考编号.

Blackboard has extensive online help and that help is contextual. 课程大纲 is on the homepage of each course. It contains instructions, grading systems, and 需求. Please use the internal "mail" to contact your instructor with grade issues or other personal concerns. Use the "discussions" board to note a problem or ask a question about the course.

What are the 人文学科? Intro to 人文学科 is the study of the things that make 我们是更好的人类! Our culture, art, music, philosophy, religion, literature, architecture, and other things presented in a historical context.

Frequently Asked Questions and policies for Online HUM courses
Do I have to take HUM 101 before HUM 102? The course descriptions state that 101 should be taken first and if you are taking both it is better. But if you are only taking one course it doesn't really matter. 101 starts with the ancient world and ends with 14世纪. 102 starts with the Renaissance and continues till the present. 如果你 take 102 without taking 101 you will need to review Greek and Roman architecture as Renaissance architecture is based on those "classical" models.

The Schedule: Online sections of HUM 101 and 102 are self paced. 开始工作 soon as you log in to the course. There is one specific cutoff for all work to be 完成. This is posted on the home page of the course and is usually during exam week. All work must be 完成 and submitted by that time. No exceptions - no excuses!

Testing: There are three tests plus a final. The final is comprehensive and drawn 从其他测试中. The student gets two attempts at each test. 所有测试必须 be completed by the cutoff date. Testing is either all matching or a combination of matching multiple choice. Tests are timed and answers "scramble."

Assignments: Both courses offer a number of assignments which are mostly web based. These assignments offer the chance to earn from 3 to as many as 15 点 each. 你 do not have to do all assignments but should plan to do as many as is necessary to get the grade you want. All assignments are submitted thru the "assignments" module. 你 can save incomplete assignments within Blackboard so you need not carry your work around using a CD/floppy/jump drive. Any assignment that is submitted incomplete will receive less than full credit.

Grading: All grades are "added," not averaged and tests add up to about 80 possible 点. There are more than forty 点 possible in "assignments."

Online sections in Philosophy differ in scheduling and content. 一定要检查 syllabus for a schedule of what your teacher expects and when it is expected. 大多数 Philosophy and Religion classes require reading and writing responses. 一些类 use graded discussions.